My Profile

Welcome to my Dreamworlds - Scott Augutis




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bulletMuch of the essence of my artwork comes from my dreams and I am basically self-taught.  For a time I used dark backgrounds to create the feeling I often have in dreams - that of being focused on the local happenings and feeling that a void exists outside my current location.  My dreams are very vivid, realistic, intense, hyper and often very long - a sense of adventure and possibility always overcomes any fear aspects.  I have practiced Lucid Dreaming for many years - I can fly, shoot bolts of electricity from my fingertips, pass through walls - and if I pinch myself, it hurts  : )  I like using oil paints since I can create smooth surfaces like thoughts flowing through the mind.  For drawing, I prefer black fine point pens so I can create fine detail and sharp, intense, even dangerous looking images.  I have a degree in Physics and enjoy collecting rocks, fossils and antiques.  I like rich, complex and ancient things - evidence of earlier habitation - mixing of organic and cybernetic components.  My interest in sciences and philosophies often enters my artwork.  Some of my early influences were the Marvel comic book Man-Thing and the Movie Time-Bandits.  My favorite fellow artists include Boris Valejo, Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, Michael Whelan and Jacek Yerka.  Lately, I have been working on including people in my surreal worlds and am starting to realize a need for models.  For so long my paintings were void of animate life, so I really like the idea of allowing beautiful characters to experience my strange worlds.  'Cyber Chic' is one of my latest drawings to merge beauty and cybernetics.  I'm working on a short story titled Cybersapiencopyright.jpg (812 bytes) which is based in a world where change and competition have gotten way out of hand.  Computer art and animation have always intrigued me, I hope to enter that world someday.  Games like 'Myst' are what I envisioned computer games should be like while I sat in front of our TRS-80 in the late seventies.  I would have loved to work on projects like Jurassic Park and be the first to show what Dinosaurs may have looked like.  With a Universe of infinite potential like our own, I guess there's still something left for me to do  : )


After college (where I initially intended on bringing back the dinosaurs), I started my career in the Actuarial field.  At the time I was still doing a lot of freelance artwork, but soon the demands of my job, and the intensive exams required, brought my art career almost to a halt.  'Mayan Mural' in 'Oil Paintings' was the last commissioned piece I finished - back in 1990.  I still produced art for myself from time to time and have always had a studio in my house, but I missed creating daily and soon my papers at work became riddled with doodles. Like a blocked flow of water, creativity will find a way through.  A fellow artist and family friend Alex. J. Zimmermacher told me as a child that I should never stop creating (he had lost his art to his career and rekindled it only at retirement to create some fantastic scenes) - back then I promised him I would not let that happen to me.  Recently I found many of my artistic ideas showing up in movies and books and many of my inventions and theories being attached to the names of others.  Remembering my promise, I decided to rekindle my own creative spirit and show it to the world.  This site is the final result.  It's new and still immature and most of the work here is from my early periods, but it will grow.  I hope you enjoy my work and my dreams. More is coming...


The following links take you to the pages mentioned on my home page; They describe some of the more common themes which appear in my work:  Crystal Bubbles, Floating Cities, Balloons.  Some thumbnails contain invisible hotspots which link to these theme pages.

My Card:

Business Card2.JPG (16302 bytes)


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